Friday 19 July 2019

Key advantages of a High Pressure Fog Systems

- Billions of micro-sized droplets drastically increase the surface coverage capability of the system.
- More surface area coverage yields better results.
The more droplets present in the atmosphere containing an odour control compound, the more likely those droplets are to collide with odiferous molecules and neutralize them.
- Micro-droplets saturate the atmosphere and remove airborne particulate matter, including all the viruses.
- Due to smaller droplet sizes (1-10 microns) water consumption is largely reduced in comparison to larger droplet sizes.
- A significant evaporative cooling effect can be noticed due to evaporation of micro droplets.
- Air temperatures can be reduced by 5°C to 12°C in Summer depending on how often the system is activated during the day, and by maximum 3°C in Winter (by activating the system less during the Winter period and due to less evaporation).
- Systems consume marginal amounts of electricity, especially when compared to low pressure systems.
- Systems are low in maintenance and easily serviced.

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