Thursday 3 November 2016

Cold Store Humidification

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Cold store humidity problem areas

Defective produce is caused by rising temperatures which draws out the moisture from the boundary layer and not the product itself.   Boundary layers gets destroyed as cold air from the chiller is dispersed across the products, and the newly formed layer of cold air gathers up heat from the product thus reducing humidity.  It is vital to control humidification at this point, and to ensure a high humidity (generally 100%rH).
Distribution areas at supermarkets and Commercial markets should be humidified as well to ensure that quality products are dispatched.  It is a waste of resources in producing top quality products if they get damaged at a distribution point which has no humidification system in place. 
The dispersal of moisture and the  position of the humidifiers across the entire area is vital.  It is pointless to have a hefty amount of moisture in one area as it will not spread out without the correct equipment.  Numerous cold storage facilities have suffered losses of products due to incorrect humidification equipment/systems.
Industries who will benefit from the use of RH Cold Storage:
  • Fruit such as apples, pears, citrus, bananas, avocado’s, grapes etc
  • Vegetables such as tomatoes, beans, carrots, beetroot, peas, cucumbers etc
  • Meat cold rooms
  • Areas where sanitation is needed, it will prevent viruses and bacteria in cold rooms

What components are needed for a misting system?

The required components for a misting system includes
Misting SA High pressure tubing (Nylon, Stainless steel or Copper)
Misting SA misting nozzles
Misting SA misting spray body
Misting SA Filtration Housing and cartridge
Misting SA Pressure Switch
Misting SA Solenoid Valves (low and high pressure)
Misting SA Anti drip valve
Misting SA high pressure misting pumps (various flow rates)
Misting SA Humidity and temperature controllers * Optional
Misting SA ventilation equipment. * Optional
* Additional components (such as wall mounted fans, extractor fans, Humidity and Temperature controllers) may be required for custom designed solutions.

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